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our team is built for vision and pathways — an integrative experiences

Cherie Dikelsky, ACC, ECPC, is a trusted seeing partner to visionaries who thrive on pathways.

As founder and principal success coach at Hemispheres, Cherie's background includes two decades of applied science in thought and behavior design. Her journey was profoundly influenced by brain injury, which transformed her passion for brainsavvy into a calling. Today, it is the heart of her practice, where savvy tools help clients transform uncertainties into generative pathways—and lasting evolutions.


Cherie's work as a coach and strategist is distinguished by her commitment to evolutionary experiences. She has served on advisory boards for award-winning experience frameworks and led breakthrough transformation programs for social and civic organizations including the American Medical and Hospital Associations and the US Federal Reserve System.

A dedicated advocate for brainsavvy as a path to social justice, Cherie serves on the Board of Directors at the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology and sponsors funded programs to promote savvy in culture and practice. Cherie is a member of the Mindsight Institute's practice community, a certified member of the International Coaching Federation (ACC), and an Erickson Certified Professional Coach (ECPC). She holds a BFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.

Maia Bielak, LMT, RYT

Maia Bielak, LMT, RYT is a partner coach who provides trauma-informed support to individual and group clients in our coaching program. Her compassionate approach to healing inquiry helps our clients discover and expand their lived experiences of vitality and calm to promote repair and resilience. 


Maia's background includes more than 20 years in interdisciplinary wellness, including trauma-informed somatic inquiry, polyvagal theory, and master-level practice in therapeutic arts.  She has served as a practice leader for world-renowned mind-body programs—including training and leadership for ~100 practitioners at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health—and continues to serve as a trusted advisor to community organizations on the subject of wellness integrations.

Maia holds numerous certifications in mindbody integration, somatics, narrative medicine, meditation, and yoga. She holds certificates of advanced learning from Somatic Experiencing International and the Mindsight Institute, where she is an ongoing student of interpersonal neurobiology. Maia earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio University.  


In addition to her work as a wellness practitioner, Maia's practice as a Medicine Artist includes numerous privately sponsored and community-based projects, from large-scale art installations to children’s art and wellness education programs. 


Mahatma Gandhi

“Learn as if you would live forever."

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